Preparing for your final conference

Your final conference is a time for us to discuss three things: (1) the first draft of the final project that you submitted (or will submit) for the last day of classes (December 13th), (2) what you have learned in the class, and what you still need to practice, and (3) the grade that you have earned in the class based on the work you have completed. Final conferences are mandatory.

Here’s how you can prepare for yours

👀 Look at your personal Slack channel, and consider which learning goals and personal goals you prioritized in each unit. Be ready to talk about what progress you made in the class, and where you think that you still need to do some work.

✅ While you’re there, check for how many assignments have been marked complete ✅, and how many have been marked attempted ⚠️. By the last day of classes, you should have submitted the correct amount of work or revisions for the grade that you’re working toward earning.

📊 Look at the grading agreement. Be ready to let me know which grade you have earned based on what you have completed. If we’re meeting earlier than the final deadline, you should also be able to tell me which work you need to have completed by the final day of classes to stay on track for the grade that you intend to earn.

🤔 Look at your draft: identify at least two places where it would be helpful to have a second pair of eyes. Please be as specific as possible: showing up to your conference and saying “I would like to know what you think are my weaknesses” shows that you have not prepared for your conference or adequately considered what you want to know about your draft.

✅ Review the requirements for this assignment. How many do you think you’ve met, and what do you still need to do to meet the number that you need? Here is the prompt (which includes the requirements) for Assignment 3.

📝 To sign up for a conference, go to the #conferences channel on Slack, find the Google Doc sign-up sheet, and put your name and e-mail address in the slot that works in your schedule. Indicate whether you would like to hold the conference on Slack or on Zoom. Importantly, if something comes up and you can’t make a conference slot, please take yourself off of the list to give someone else a chance to take your spot. I have a lot of students! Please also respect my time, and their time, by showing up to a conference that you signed up to do. Make sure to make note of the time of your slot when you sign up. Don’t leave me sitting alone in a Zoom room, staring into the void 🥺😭