Assignment 1: Peer Review Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) I am submitting this assignment…(Required) To receive weekly work credit. To meet requirements on the E-mail To the Author assignment. I understand that because I am doing this for weekly work credit, I will also need to complete a peer review to meet requirements on the E-mail to the Author assignment. In other words, I will fill out this form twice for two different essays.(Required) Yes, I understand. The name of the person whose paper you're reviewing (i.e. your "partner" in this form)(Required) First Last In your own words, briefly describe the assignment that your partner has completed. What was the purpose of this assignment? Which learning goals from this class has your partner practiced by completing this assignment? The list of the learning goals for this class are linked below this box if you need to reference them.(Required)The learning goals for this class are on this page (scroll down past the first box to see them): at your partner's feedback request, or if you had a conversation with them, think about your conversation. In your own words, what does your partner want to know about this draft? What stage are they in? Are they looking to make sure that they're meeting the assignment's requirements? Or something else? What kind of feedback are they asking you to give them as a reader? If you are looking at a sample essay, or if your partner didn't make a feedback request, you can say this in the box instead.(Required)In your own words, give a brief summary of your partner's entire argument. In what ways does your partner agree with the author? In what ways do they disagree, or want more information?(Required)Use this box to give a "reverse outline" of each paragraph in your partner's essay. To do this, think about the purpose of each paragraph (for example: In paragraph 1, [partner] connects their argument to [author's] argument in the chapter of BIAW about [x.]. In paragraph 2, [partner] adds further support for their argument by showing how a rise in CUNY student tuition has had a particularly negative impact on working students…etc.). The reverse outline is similar to an outline, but instead of writing one before the paper is written, you write it after you've already written the paper to determine its current organization and to make that organization more visible to your partner.(Required)Looking back at this reverse outline, are there any places where your partner is repeating themself? Are there any points that you might reorder?(Required)Have you read the chapter that your partner's Assignment 1 is discussing?(Required) Yes No Without looking at the chapter, put the summary of this chapter into your own words based on what your partner has communicated that it says.(Required)Were you able to understand what the major arguments in this chapter were by reading this summary, even though you haven't read the chapter? Why or why not?(Required)What were the major claims that your partner says that the author makes, and since you've read this chapter, are there any others that you think are important to include?(Required)Imagine you had never read this chapter. Would you be able to understand the main claims that it contains by reading this summary? Why or why not?(Required)List your partner's main points of agreement or disagreement with the author's claims below, and in your own words, say how they use personal experiences to illustrate them.(Required)In your own words, describe your partner's ideas for future research that relate to the chapter’s topic.(Required)Check all that apply.(Required) This draft is not yet 750 words long. This draft is not double-spaced This draft does not contain separate paragraphs. This draft is not addressed to the author of the chapter like an e-mail would be. This draft does not contain a heading. This draft does not contain a word count in the heading. My partner has met all requirements. Please explain what your partner still needs to do to meet the requirements of this assignment.(Required)Below, please note any PATTERNS of issues that you noticed. If your partner did this once, it's not a pattern. This should be something that your partner did at least two or three times. Check off the issues that you addressed below.(Required) Unfamiliar / inaccurate / imprecise word choices Inconsistency in verb tense (i.e. your partner switches between past tense and present tense)d Choice Incomplete sentences Sentences that are inaccurately punctuated (i.e. a comma appears where a semicolon should) Capitalization issues (i.e. something is capitalized when it should be lower case, or something is lower case when it should be capitalized) Sentence variety issues (i.e. the sentences are all the same length; too long; too short) Word repetition issues (i.e. the writer uses the word “furthermore” four times in the same paragraph, or every sentence begins with “The author says”) Redundancy (i.e. the writer says the same thing more than once in a paragraph Concision issues (i.e. the writer takes a really long time to say something when fewer words would do the trick) I did not notice any of these things in my partner’s draft. Please explain any of the boxes that you checked above.What was your favorite thing about this draft? Is there anything that you learned from your partner or considered differently as a result of reading this? Did your partner have a really good example? Did they explain the chapter well?(Required)What are two or three things that you think that your partner could continue to work on for the final draft? Please be as specific as possible (i.e. don't say "improve the grammar," but tell your partner specifically what to improve.)(Required)Think back to your partner's feedback request. Did you answer it? If not, please make sure to address it in the box below.(Required) Δ