Midterm Check-In Form Name(Required) First Last Learning Goals for English 110This class has 5 learning goals. In this section, you’ll consider each goal separately and the experiences that you’ve had previous to this class that have prepared you to meet it. The goals are that students will: 1) Produce writing that responds appropriately to a variety of rhetorical situations with a particular focus on academic argumentation. 2) Learn reading strategies to summarize, synthesize, analyze, and critique other people’s arguments and ideas fairly. 3) Learn research practices that will help strengthen their writing and thinking. 4) Produce writing that shows how writers may navigate the diverse processes of composing including revision and collaboration. 5) Take ownership of their work and gain an understanding of their own voice, style, and strengths.What were the class learning goals or personal goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of this unit? How did this unit help you to meet them? Please give SPECIFIC examples.(Required)Discuss which learning goals or personal goals you feel that you have not yet met.(Required)Discuss something from Unit 1 that you learned or considered differently as a result of the reading, writing, and discussions that you did.(Required)What is a skill that you have learned or further refined in this unit that you think might be useful to other classes in college or in life outside of school?(Required)Here are the assignments/expectations we’ve had so far. Give yourself a ✔️ for each thing you have.(Required) I have not missed classes, or I have made up each class that I missed by reading the recaps and filling out the exit tickets. I have come prepared to all or most classes by completing the readings / annotations / assigned videos before I come to class. I have submitted 4 weekly work assignments. I have completed a class recap on the #whatyoumissed channel. I have revised any weekly work assignments that didn’t meet requirements. I submitted a first draft for Assignment 1. I submitted a peer review for Assignment 1. I submitted a final draft for Assignment 1. Please explain any boxes that you did NOT check above.(Required)Based on the work that you have completed in this unit so far, what grade would you give yourself so far, and why? Remember: if you are missing work, you want to be sure to give evidence for how you have demonstrated that you've met the learning goals.(Required) Δ