In Unit 2, the reading guide is slightly different than it was in Unit 1. In Unit 1, you chose a chapter from Bad Ideas About Writing to closely read and summarize. In Unit 2, you’ll choose a scholarly source related to your project to closely read and summarize. This should help to prepare you to complete your entries for the Collective Reflective Annotated Bibliography, and to make progress on Assignment 2.
To receive credit for this assignment, fill out the boxes below. To meet requirements, note following:
Fill out each box on this form.
For the portion of this assignment that asks you to select a source: this must be a NEW source, and not a source you have used in a previous weekly work assignment.
If you filled out a reading guide for Unit 2 at the end of Unit 1 (because you were getting ahead with weekly work, or because you missed weekly work and needed to make it up at the end of the unit), this can count toward your weekly work goals, but does not “double count” as part of your Assignment 2 requirements. You must do a reading guide assignment for Unit 2, this form below, in order for it to “double count.”